Thursday, April 14, 2022

377. HOA and pandemic


Day 719/144 - 11/6/21
I had one of THOSE senior moments this morning while looking for a place to eat brunch on Polk. I noticed Toast was not open and walked up to read the sign on the door. They claimed they were just closing to “refresh” the look after twelve long years in business at the location. What grabbed my attention was the fact I essentially stopped coming here, with a couple exceptions, back when it changed to Toast from one of my favorite (cheap) greasy spoon places on Polk. Shocking that over a decade has passed. I still remember the old place. 

Day 723/148 - 11/10/21
This morning I was sitting in my local Walgreens waiting for my post flu shot fifteen minute hold to end when, standing just in front of me across the aisle, was what I’m almost certain was the trophy wife of a guy getting his COVID booster. She was looking splendid in skin tight jeans -- certainly not “Mom” jeans. My fifteen minutes were up before he finished with the paperwork, so I left and continued with my morning errands. I guess this is what Herb Caen would have called a “Sightem.”

Day 729/154 - 11/16/21
Today has been a truly unique day. I picked up my new printer (haven’t hooked it up yet) but the really remarkable thing was that I went to our storage cabinet looking for a fairly random piece of electrical gear and found it. I actually found two of them. Now I still have to disassemble one of the emergency lights on the 2nd floor and see if I can really use this to fix the problem (possibly created by the painters last year), but at least I have the bit I think I need. Usually, even when I know I have something I can’t put my hands on it.

Of course, this is something the electrician we paid $950 to should have taken care of. He did what we needed him to do but I can’t say I was impressed. The company sent one of those “How Did We Do? Emails, but I haven’t responded to it. I may later or I may just not say anything. 

My new printer is amazing. I was still in awe of my old HP all-in-one from around 2003 but this is a big step up and it cost less than $100 before tax and the service contract. When I think about my first real computer printer, the dot matrix for the original Mac I want to cry. The quality was terrible. It was amazingly heavy and I had to carry it all over the place to be repaired and all it did was print.

This Epson (also 4100) has 2-side printing! It has a flatbed scanner! And it is wireless so I can now print from both my Windows laptop and my Chromebook. And it has three color cartridges instead of the HP single cartridge that has to be replaced when you run out of any color. 

I've only used it to print out, copy, and scan a few things, but it seems to work as advertised. And I may have found a new home for my old printer. I listed it for $10 but I will forget that if they just pick it up.

I'm still working on the 2nd floor emergency light. Plans 1 and 2 didn't pan out, but plan 3 is to cover up the gap with some painted balsa wood. A kludge, but no one but me will ever notice. I noticed the electrician also left the severed conduit un-capped, so I bought what I hope will work as a cap. Confidence is not high. I probably could just fill it with Spackle or fix-it-all, but... actually that might work well. (The improvised cap fit perfectly! I still can't believe it.)

Pandemic update:
Case numbers quickly rose from 50 to 80 a day, but now they've settle down a bit. Hospitalization numbers are still looking good with the trends still down slightly. I guess the big question for the 2nd Holidays Surge is will the "hesitant" also be "hesitant" about that COVID treatment that is supposed to be so effective. Perhaps they will want to stick with livestock dewormer. I remember a time when that would have been a joke.

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